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Importing Leads from
Importing Leads from

Recruitly's integration with Apollo has helped, making tasks like adding leads, contacts, and companies a breeze with just a few clicks.

Updated over a week ago

You can seamlessly import data from the database into Recruitly, enabling you to import Leads, Contacts, and companies along with their details such as names, email addresses, and contact information.
Utilize filters such as job titles, location, keywords, and company size to refine your search within the Apollo database.

To import records, ensure you integrate your account with Recruitly.
You can do it from our Marketplace:

Importing Leads and Contacts:

  1. Go to the Leads/Contacts section under the sales module.

  2. Find and click on the "Import Leads/Contacts" button at the screen's top right.

  3. Choose the "Import from Apollo" option from the dropdown menu.

  4. The search and import card will open.

  5. Fill in the required details such as Job title, Locations, and Keywords.

  6. Click on the "Search Apollo" button.

  7. Select the records you wish to import into Recruitly and click on the "Add selected to basket" button.

  8. Now, click on "Checkout."

  9. On the next page, select all the records and click on "Import as" or "Export to Excel."

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