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ATS Reports

It consists of reports related to Candidates, Jobs, and Placements giving you a clear picture of the candidate cycle.

Updated over a week ago

The applicant tracking system reporting gives you a detailed overview of the candidate cycle, allowing you to track candidates, jobs, and placements.

In this guide, we will learn how to generate a report with an example:


You require access to the Report Module to generate any report, please contact your admin or super user to provide you with the required access.

Steps to generate a job performance report:

This report provides information on various aspects of a job's lifecycle, including its creation date, interview-to-offer ratio, days to offer, and more. To know more about other reports visit Introduction to Reports

  1. Visit the reporting section by clicking on the top right profile picture and selecting reports or by clicking below:

  2. Under the ATS reports section, select job performance.

  3. Select the required fields on the next page as listed below:

  • Users: Any specific users or all users including inactive users can be selected. It provides you an option to select by Pipeline Owner, Job Owner, Pipeline Last Updated, and Candidate Owner.

  • Pipeline Date Range: Once this field is selected a drop-down menu opens allowing you to select from the available date ranges or a custom date range can be selected.

  • Job Created Dates: The report can be generated by the job creation date, allowing you to select from available date ranges or a custom date range can be selected.

  • Jobs: If required a report can be generated for a specific job/s by selecting it.

  • Companies: If required a report can be generated for specific companies by selecting it.

5. Once the fields are selected, click on generate.


All the data in the generated report can be exported into Excel.

All the other reports can be generated using similar steps as mentioned above.

To know more about other reports visit Introduction to Reports

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